Personal Finance

7 in 10 Americans are living paycheck to paycheck…

A more recent Forbes study found the percentage to be about 78%, which is almost 8 in 10, meaning 8 in 10 people on your block are feeling strapped and stressed. Living this way is EXHAUSTING. 

I know, because I was there for most of my adult life, barely scraping by and worried in between checks, unsure of how much money I would need until I got paid next.  

Being broke steals your energy. It’s draining being broke and worrying about how you’re going to make ends meet. You might be making decent money, but still feel like you’re living paycheck to paycheck. It’s common.  

A lack of money management and not budgeting is going to make you feel like that.  Taking on payments for everything you think you need is stealing your money and your energy.  

If you are tired of being this statistic—being stressed awaiting pay day, there is a better, much easier way to live.  It’s called living intentionally and adulting SO HARD. You have to be willing to do something different if you want to quit the paycheck to paycheck cycle.  

The new Budget Master live class starts soon and your return on investment is priceless:  

Many women have already found incredible lifelong benefits from joining me, and learned how to budget on their terms.  Check out what you get in the course at  

If you are ready to stop stressing when it comes to money, and start living, I will show you exactly how.  I’ve gone from a ZERO net worth to over $100k in under 4 years, by living the principles I teach and it isn’t hard. 

It’s actually all common sense, plus making budgeting and managing your money a habit.  

Join me for the next Budget Master and become the 22% of your neighborhood instead of the 78%…it’s time for drastic measures.  

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